NLA Introduce Lotto With MTN Mobile Money As Alternative For Bank To Bank

How To Stake Lotto With MTN Mobile Money. Digitization is one of the terms commonly used these days for a everything that is moving from the physical realms to the digital world.

NLA has also joined the digital world with it’s 5/90 lottery game commonly known as ‘Banker to Banker’. With this new development, anyone with a mobile phone can stake lotto with MTN mobile money account without any hindrance.

How To Stake Lotto With MTN Mobile Money

With this new digital and modern way of staking lotto, there is no need going round looking for lotto kiosk to stake your numbers. All you need is deposit funds into your mobile money wallet and stake.

Every single rule that governs the normal banker to bank platform also governs the online platform as well.

You only have to dial *959#

When you dial the code, the first option you see is the current ongoing game. So if it is Saturday, you will see ‘National’. If it s Wednesday, you will see something like ‘Mid-week’. If it is Tuesday, you will see something like, Tuesday Special’ , etc.

You just have to select the current ongoing game which is option 1. Under that option, you have other options that you must select from depending on how exactly you would like to stake your numbers.

You have options like, 1-direct, 2-sure, 5-direct, permutation, banker, etc. So you will have to select which way you would like to stake your numbers so the system will know exactly how to calculate your wins.

5/90 simply means you are selecting five(5) numbers out of ninety(90). Those your numbers will be the numbers you are predicting that will be the winning numbers when the draw opens. Is just exactly as the ‘banker to banker’ does it.

Read also: How To Perform Mobile Money Pin Reset By Yourself

After selecting which rule you want to follow in staking your numbers, the system will ask you for how much you would like to stake, another option will popup giving you space to input the amount you would like stake.

After confirmation, a popup will appear on your screen, input your MTN Mobile Money pincode and confirm.

If you wait for a while and you don’t receive the confirmation, you can dial *170# and select option 6 (My Wallet). From there, select option 3 (My Approvals) and confirm the payment to stake your numbers.

You can also stake by visiting

How To Get Paid

Don’t worry much about getting paid. Same way you staked, you get paid same way through your MTN Mobile Money wallet. As soon as you win, the money will be paid directly into your MTN Mobile Money wallet.

If you want to know the Terms And Conditions governing this game, kindly visit their Terms And Condition Page.

Also, you can visit the NLA Ghana page here in case there are some queries you would like to put out to them.

If you have any problem, you can contact 590Mobile on these numbers.

+233 27 650 2070
+233 27 650 2071
WhatsApp: 0207566428

Email: [email protected]

Leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions. You can also join Slimfactsgh WhatsApp group.

0 thoughts on “NLA Introduce Lotto With MTN Mobile Money As Alternative For Bank To Bank”

    1. Slimzy DeOriginal

      I’m very sorry to hear that. Probably there could be a mistake somewhere… If you still have your ticket number and can remember the date you staked, you can contact them to crosscheck. Here are their numbers..
      +233 27 650 2070
      +233 27 650 2071
      WhatsApp: 0207566428

  1. Please, I played your game, Mid week and won but you people said my numbers didn’t match up with your winning

    1. Slimzy DeOriginal

      Please kindly note that I’m just blogger who posts informative content for his loyal readers. I am not in affiliation or has any connection with NLA whatsoever. If you have any issues with the game kindly dial *987 someone will pick it up then you explain everything to the person. Thank you.

  2. Please I stake Monday special yesterday before I was told they suspended the game but they still didn’t refund my money back please how can I get my money back

    1. Slimzy DeOriginal

      I’m very sorry to hear that. Probably there could be a mistake somewhere… If you still have your ticket number and can remember the date you staked, you can contact them to crosscheck. Here are their numbers..
      +233 27 650 2070
      +233 27 650 2071
      WhatsApp: 0207566428

  3. Florence Felicia Amarteifio

    I staked national one direct and I’m told my number didn’t match but the number too came

  4. They call me Andrews Odoom i will 1 direct today but i didn’t receive payment why is it like that,0240450873

  5. Mr. Blogger but why so many reports base on ‘I have win but they said it didn’t match’ Can’t u do something on that. So far u ar working with them Abi?

  6. I am Charles does number of stake u make confuse the system? because I have won but haven’t gotten any message the one I staked and won no tickets came but my money was deducted means there was successful transaction! so why

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